Stay comfortable for less this winter

Winter is a time for skating, playing shinny and ice fishing but it’s also a time to put on a big sweater and stay cozy at home. Before we feel the full force of winter, the fall is a great time to protect yourself and your family from the cold. Here are some steps you can take to stay comfortable.

  • Inspect and seal. You can save up to 25 per cent on your heating bill by weatherstripping around windows, doors and air ducts. This is one of the most efficient ways to manage your heating costs.
  • Turn on the fan. Turn your ceiling fan on clockwise to push down warm air that has risen to the ceiling. You can also use curtains and window dressings to keep the warm air in and prevent any drafts.
  • Do you have a favorite room? Take some time to insulate the room – weatherstrip the windows, fill any gaps in the floor and between the door and the floor.
  • Keep it steady. Setting a higher temperature on the thermostat won’t heat your home faster. Remember to cool down at night when you’re going to bed and to increase the temperature during the day. Better still, use a programmable thermostat so you can set it and forget it.
  • Change it up. Cozy can mean temperature, but also lighting. Switch out old bulbs for Energy Star LED light bulbs labelled warm white or soft white. They have a traditional warm, cozy feel that works well for living rooms.

If these all seem like great ideas, but energy saving upgrades are out of your budget, you may qualify for assistance from the Affordability Fund. See here what upgrades you may qualify for by visiting.

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