Chill out Ontario

By: Laura Steiner

It’s been five weeks since Doug Ford was elected.  He has spent that time proving he keeps his promises.

Undo Cap & Trade? That was an election promise.  Fire the CEO at Hydro One? Same there.  Audit the province’s books? That’s an ongoing effort.  Reform the sex education curriculum? An election promise.  Adjust the OHIP+ for children whose parents have benefits so that their plans pay first? A change that makes sense.

Some of his progress might be bumpy.  The audit might uncover nasty surprises impacting what he can do.  Firing the CEO at Hydro One might not come as cheap as first thought.  There could be things hidden in cap & trade  that he can’t undo.  And there’s also issue of the data breach at 407 affecting 29 ridings, including  some sitting MPPs.  He might not be successful fighting the carbon tax.

But Ontarians voted for change.  Now we’ve got it, it’s as if voters never expected Ford to actually keep his word and are outraged that he has.    That says more about our expectations regarding elected officials than who Doug Ford is.

It’s a four-year term, with opportunity for pitfalls, and outrage.  It’s only the start of a mandate. Time to chill out and see what he does.

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