Passover Greetings from Prime Minister Trudeau

Sundown today marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday Passover.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a statement referencing it as a “time to celebrate freedom, and reaffirm our commitment to face the future with hope,” he said.

Passover2016Passover dates back to biblical times and the story of Exodus in the Hebrew bible.  According to the story, the Jewish people freed from slavery by God, and led by Moses into Israel.  “As friends and families gather for this joyous celebration, we take this opportunity to recognize the tremendous contributions of Canada’s vibrant Jewish community,” Trudeau said.

Passover lasts for one week from April 22 2016-April 29, 2016. The story of Exodus is immortalized in the film: The 10 Commandments starring Charlton Heston as Moses.

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