By: Laura Steiner
COVID-19 continues to force adjustments to our daily lives. This is a space for detailed updates that happen during the week of March 28- April 5.
Key developments from last week:
- State of Emergency Declarations from both Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr, and Milton Mayor Gord Krantz
- Trudeau unveils a 75% wage subsidy for small businesses.
- Chief of Defence Staff General Jonathan Vance orders troops to be ready in case of need.
- Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips issues a provincial economic update
28/3/2020- update: 1: 15 pm: Trudeau Bans domestic travel, Ontario releases text alert
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is banning domestic travel for those showing symptoms. He made the announcement as part of the morning briefing. Starting Monday at 12pm anyone showing COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to board a flight or train for domestic travel.
Ontario is pledging to protect its supply chain. Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced the province would enact the Supply Chain Management Act in order to protect supplies needed by front-line medical workers. “COVID-19 is impacting supply chains across Canada, and around the world. That’s why we are proclaiming the Supply Chain Management Act to make sure we can deploy critical equipment and services to where they are needed most,” Minister of Government and Consumer Services Lisa Thompson said. The changes will allow the government to manage supply chains for ventilators, masks and swabs. The province is reporting another 150 cases overnight bringing the total to 1,118. Ontario has also announced another text message asking travelers to self-quarantine for 14 days.
The Region of Halton is reporting 20 cases, the most recent an Oakville resident in his 50’s. Milton Mayor Gord Krantz has released an audio message responding to residents’ questions posted to the Let’s Talk Milton forum. Milton Council is expected to meet online Monday March 30.
All remaining updates for March 28 are available on the Milton Reporter Twitter feed
Update: 29/3/2020: Ontario Bans gatherings of over 5 people, Trudeau unveils more help for Seniors, and children
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has unveiled more support for vulnerable Canadians. his government will contribute $9 million for United Way to help seniors, and $7.5 million to help Kids’ Help phone. “While the COVID-19 pandemic affects all Canadians, some people are more at risk to its impacts. That is why it is important to keep connected and make sure that everyone feels safe and supported in this uncertain time,” Trudeau said.
Ontario has banned gatherings of over 5 people. “If we are going to stop the spread of COVID-19 now and keep our communities safe, we need to take extraordinary measures to ensure physical distancing,” Premier Doug Ford said. The order replaces a previous limit of 250 people. Ontario reported another 208 cases overnight bring the province’s total to 1,344.
Halton Regional Police has reported one of its sworn civilian officers has tested positive. “This member does not work in a public-facing role within the Service,” Chief Steve Tanner said in a letter.

Halton has reported four new cases overnight bringing the region’s total to 25. Hamilton-Halton United Way has announced an emergency fund for their partner agenices. More information here
Update: 30/3/2020 1pm : Troops prepare for deployment, Ontario Introduces new COVID-19 website
Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan has shared details of how Canadian troops might be used. Approximately 24,000 troops are ready to be deployed to help vulnerable communities, and assist the provinces and territories, as well as support the efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. No province has so far requested the aid.
Ontario has introduced a new reporting website for its COVID-19 cases. “Ontario has been diligently monitoring and taking decisive action to stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep Ontarians informed,” Health Minister Christine Elliott said. The new site uses data recorded by the province’s 34 public health units into the Integrated public health information system. As of this morning, Ontario recorded an increase of 351 new cases.
Halton Police are aware of conflicting messages going around on social media. “The HRPS is aware of social media posts warning residents that our officers are stopping cars and asking where they are going. This is not accurate,” they said in a tweet. Police are also warning residents against parking, and use of Conservation Halton Parks. Trespassing could carry a fine of up to $1000.
Parking this way to trespass into closed Halton Conservation parks will result in parking tickets and trespassing charges. We know times are tough right now, but this is unacceptable! ^JW
— HRPS Milt HHills (@HRPSMiltHH) March 29, 2020
Update- 30/3/2020- 6:30 p.m: Ontario Investing $10 million, Williams Issues Statement
Ontario is investing $10 million to help not-for-profit, and volunteer groups serve seniors, and the more vulnerable in the communities. “We’re working to put an iron ring of protection around our seniors from COVID-19,” Ontario Premier Doug Ford said. The money will help coordinate the delivery of meals, medicines, and other supplies for Seniors. Ford has also indicated that the state-of-emergency designation set to expire tomorrow will likely be renewed for another two weeks.
Ontario Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Williams issued a statement asking those in vulnerable groups to self-isolate for 14 days. “I strongly recommend you and other members of your household stay home except for essential reasons, such as to:
- Access health care services;
- Shop for groceries;
- Pick-up medication at the pharmacy;
- Walk pets when required; and
- Support vulnerable community members with meeting the above needs.
Ontario has also issued a directive for protecting frontline nurses. The directive outlines three things:
- Precautions for interactions with suspected, presumed or confirmed COVID-19 patients, including relying on the clinical education and training that nurses receive to use their professional and clinical judgement;
- Point-of-care risk assessments for every patient interaction to assess appropriate health and safety measures; and
- Training on safe use of all personal protective equipment (PPE).
“We are collaborating with our partners in the health system to implement this new directive to ensure that nurses have all the protection they need to safely provide the best care for their patients,” Health Minister Christine Elliott said.
Halton region has updated its own numbers. 36 cases total, with 8 in Milton.
Update: 31/3/2020- 12: Ontario Extends State of Emergency, Milton Announces Tax Deferral
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $2 billion in funding for medical equipment for frontline workers. Equipment that includes test kits, swabs, ventilators, and masks. 3000 Canadian companies will support efforts to boost the stockpile.
The province of Ontario has extended its state of Emergency another two weeks. The order, set to run out today will now be in place until April 13, 2020. Additionally, all outdoor spaces will now be closed. “Based on the best medical advice available, we are taking further steps today to protect the health and safety of all Ontarians by closing outdoor recreational amenities,” Premier Doug Ford said. Spaces closed include: picnic areas, outdoor gardens, condo parks, skate parks, off-leash dog parks and many more. Ontario recorded another 266 cases overnight.
The Town Of Milton is offering taxpayers 90 days relief. Council unanimously approved a tax deferral program that would see penalties and fees deferred until June 1, 2020. The Town of Milton is committed to supporting the health and well-being of our community” Mayor Gord Krantz said.
Update: 31/3/2020- 5:30 p.m: Ontario extends School Closures, Offers OSAP Aid
Ontario is extending its school closures until May 4, 2020 due to COVID-19. Education Minister Stephen Lecce made the announcement as part of the province’s daily briefing earlier this afternoon. “We will do whatever it takes to keep students safe from COVID-19,” Lecce said. He also unveiled phase two of the province’s learn at home initiative, which will be teacher-led and include guidelines based on the grade. The closure extends to all daycare centres, which were closed by emergency declaration.
Ontario is also extending aid to post-secondary students. They’ve given OSAP students six months interest-free on their loans. “Students and their families make great sacrifice to attend post-secondary education,” Colleges and Universities Minister Ross Romano said. The province is also making online supports available to students.
Halton Region has updated its numbers of cases. Milton has 15 cases of COVID-19; an increase of seven from yesterday. The Town of Milton has announced transit service effective immediately until further notice. For more details visit their website.
Medical students are collecting for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) throughout Ontario. For more information click here to open a google document.
Update: 1/4/2020: Trudeau Clarifies Aid package, Ontario Auto Parts businesses to Re-tool
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau clarified his government’s aid package. Workers are either eligible for the wage subsidy, or the emergency benefit. Further details are being outlined by Finance Minister Bill Morneau this afternoon.
Ontario has launched a $50 million Ontario Together fund. It’s meant to help businesses retool, and innovate solutions in the battle for COVID19. “Our government is taking extraordinary measures to support businesses and organizations that are responding to COVID-19,” Economic Development Minister Vic Fedeli said. Automotive suppliers have already agreed to retool in order to make ventilators. Ontario also made mandatory for members of the public to identify themselves if they’re charged with breaching an emergency order. Ontario recorded another 426 cases over night, bringing the provincial total to 2392.
Halton Regional Police have warned a non-essential business for staying open. Halton Region currently has 74 total cases, 16 of which are in Milton.
Update: 1/4/2020- 8:30 pm: Morneau Talks Wage subsidy Specifics, Milton unveils Social Media Campaign:
Finance Minister Bill Morneau unveiled the details of the new wage subsidy. Businesses will have to prove their revenue has dropped since The program will cover up to 75% of wages for the next three months. The subsidy applies to the first $58,700 of salary, working out to $847/ week. “We are helping businesses keep their staff on payroll so that businesses will be positioned to rebound when the current challenges have passed,” Morneau said. The program is retroactive to March 15, 2020.
The Town of Milton has kicked off a social media campaign. #MiltonTogether encourages residents to support, and celebrate the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I encourage all residents to take part in the town’s #MiltonTogether initiative to celebrate our supportive community during this unprecedented time,” Mayor Gord Krantz said.
Update: 2/4/2020: Trudeau talks projections, Ontario Increases Mental Health supports
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was questioned over projections. “You want to plan, you want to prepare for the worst, you want to know what to be hopeful about. I know,” he said in his morning address to Canadians. He would be addressing the issue in a phone call with the Premiers happening tonight.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford is taking a different tactic. At his daily address, he said he would release the data. “You deserve to know what I know when you’re making decisions for yourself, your family and community.” He’ll reveal the information in a briefing tomorrow. Ontario had another 400 cases diagnosed overnight, an increase of 16%. Provincial officials made a number of announcements on mental health supports, support for truckers.
Halton Region now has a total of 81 cases, 16 of those being in Milton. Under the State of Emergency, municipal bylaw officers can now issue tickets and fines for non-compliance on emergency orders. “My hope is that everyone in Milton and neighbouring municipalities comply with these efforts to flatten the curve,” Mayor Krantz said. The enforceable orders are:
- Closure of non-essential businesses
- Prohibiting events and gatherings of more than five people
- Closure of public places and establishments
- Closure of all outdoor recreation amenities
Violation of these orders will mean a $750 fine.
Milton’s Wee ones is opening for the families of First responders. “We know that as health-care and other front-line workers try to keep us safe, they could use help on the home front,” said Milton MPP Parm Gill.
Update: 3/4/2020:
All major updates for April 3 are available on this thread:
The @TownOfMilton has decided to extend facility closures until May 29, 2020:
It includes all parks, and public outdoor recreation areas. Bylaw enforcement officers are allowed to ticket & fine any residents for violating provincial emergency orders— MiltonReporter (@MiltonReporter) April 4, 2020
Updates: 4/4/2020: Ontario Announces Emergency Funding, Milton honours its first Responders
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will not retaliate against US President Donald Trump. The US President stopped 3M from exporting a shipment of surgical masks worn by hospital staff through the use of Defence Production Act allowing the President to raise production levels of necessary equipment. “We know that it is in both of our interests to continue to work collaboratively and cooperatively,” Trudeau said.
Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford railed against the decision. “I can’t stand relying on other countries or other leaders when we have the capabilities right here in Ontario,” he said. The province of Ontario has established the Residential Fund to help emergency shelters, and children & youth as well as those with disabilities.
“I want to personally thank all the staff and managers who are working on the frontlines of the developmental services sector for keeping our most vulnerable citizens safe during this unprecedented time,” Minister of Children, Community, and Social Services Todd Smith said.
The province is also taking steps to protect food sources in establishing a new web portal connecting employers in the agriculture with those looking for work.“Working in the agri-food sector is a great way to contribute to your community and join the thousands of hard-working men and women helping to feed the province during this unprecedented time,” Agriculture Minister Ernie Hardman said. Ontario had another 375 cases overnight.
Halton Region has a total of 131 cases of COVID-19 with another 36 cases awaiting confirmation. Milton’s total is at 31. Milton also has been taking some time to make noise and honour the first responders. Tonight at 7pm Miltonians were asked to make some noise.
Ward 1 Regional Councillor Colin Best led a parade around Town Hall to the hospital and back. Pictures are from the front seat of a Halton Regional Police car.
Some of the photos I took helping lead the impromptu parade from Victoria Park around the Hospital and back from the front seat of the lead police car. Thanks everyone who participated!
— Colin Best (@Colin1Best) April 4, 2020
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