Updated Provincial Plans Support Milton’s Vision of a Complete Community

The Town of Milton’s Planning and Development staff have reviewed significant updates made to three Provincial land use plans to better understand how changes will impact Milton’s future growth and development. The Provincial Plans, including the 2017 Growth Plan, Greenbelt Plan and Niagara Escarpment Plan, emphasize increased intensification targets, planning for employment lands, ensuring agricultural viability, integrating infrastructure planning and climate change mitigation.

These updates will need to be included in Milton’s Official Plan during the upcoming review process. Halton Region is expected to review its Regional Official Plan in accordance with the new Provincial Policies by 2022. Following the adoption of the updated Regional Official Plan, Milton will have one year to adopt new policies and conform with the Region.

“Ultimately, the Provincial Plans are designed to work together to manage growth across the province, encouraging the development of complete communities, curbing sprawl by focusing on transit supported intensification, and protecting our natural environment,” said Barbara Koopmans, Commissioner, Planning and Development. “While the Region’s Official Plan Review is being completed, Milton will continue to apply Growth Plan transition policies and investigate opportunities to increase density targets in appropriate, transit-supportive locations.”

The Provincial Plan updates align with Milton’s established vision for building complete communities. In May, Council unanimously endorsed Milton’s First Principles of Growth, which called for partnerships with other levels of government to develop a made in Milton solution that meets the unique needs of this community.

Among the First Principles is a commitment to provide and plan for a variety of housing types with an emphasis on intensification near transit supported locations. The principles also highlight Milton’s commitment to achieving a balanced residential/employment ratio, with an emphasis on jobs in the knowledge-based and innovation sectors.

A coordinated review of the Provincial Plans was first initiated by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in 2015. After several rounds of consultation and reports with recommendations from municipal partners, the Province released final versions of each plan on May 18, 2017.

To read the complete report or to review a list of key changes, visit Milton.ca/ProvincialPlanReport.

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