Ontario Looking for input on Waste Reduction Strategy

MILTON, ON – The government of Ontario is working to keep our province clean and beautiful for generations to come by taking steps to reduce litter and waste in our communities, and increase and improve household recycling.

The province is inviting public feedback to reduce plastic litter and waste in our neighbourhoods and parks. We are looking at ways to divert and reduce food and organic waste from households and businesses, and increase opportunities for people to participate in waste reduction efforts. A discussion paper has been posted on the Environment Registry for a 45-day period.

“We know that Ontarians want to do their part to reduce litter and waste, whether at home, at work or on the go,” said Rod Phillips, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. “There are so many great ideas out there in the province that we want to build on to reduce waste and divert more of it away from landfills and get our diversion rate moving in the right direction again.”

Ontario is also committed to making producers responsible for the waste generated from their products and packaging, encouraging them to find new and innovative cost-effective ways to recycle their products and lower costs for consumers. This will shift the cost of recycling from municipalities – and taxpayers – to producers.

“The feedback we receive will help us achieve real action on reducing litter and better managing waste,” said MPP Gill.  “These achievements will restore balance between a healthy environment, and a healthy economy.”

These consultations will not only allow the province to build on progress that has already been made, but provide real and practical solutions that are aligned with a new vision for Ontario: one where hardworking taxpayers are protected and respected, and one that aligns Ontario with Canada’s national targets for Green House Gas reductions under the Paris Agreement.

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